The role of About pages in personal branding and establishing a professional online presence

Urlkut Published on May 25, 2023

The role of About pages in personal branding and establishing a professional online presence

The About page on your website has more marketing power than any other piece of content.

The most important aspect of a company's website design process is the About page. However, a lot of business owners don't pay much attention or think about it. It can be tempting to quickly fill up your About page with a boring bio and generic language that uses keywords like "innovation" and "excellence." 

The truth is that your website's About page is one of the most popular and important digital assets. First-time visitors to your website will want to learn more about the business, therefore they will go to the About page to do so

In this article We will be going to explain why an About page is an important content element and explore best strategies for creating an outstanding About page that takes your business to the next level.


The importance of your About page for your business 

You may probably think it is counterintuitive that there are so many users who visit the About page. Shouldn’t they just go and visit the  services or pricing sections first or shouldn’t they just go and check out your content and your resources? 

However, the popularity of About page makes sense for numerous reasons

1. The About page helps us in building trust

Here is an analogy: When you meet an unknown person anywhere , what is the first thing you would probably do? You will be likely to check for similarities and generally ask about their background, their hobbies, their favorite food etc. You may try to come to the conclusion whether their story is similar to yours story or is it will have that kind of curiosity when meeting anyone right? 

And when you feel a genuine connection between you and that person, you may probably consider investing in the relationship. 

Similarly, when a user visits your website for the first time, they will go directly to the About page in order to determine if they can trust you or not. They want to know your side of the story and your expertise and see if you have that relevant experience, knowledge and professionalism to solve their problems.


2. The About page will help your visitors understand their options

The About page is the important web page for new visitors to narrow down their options quickly.

Let us say for example, Company X’s about  page generally discusses building the highest quality product in the sector. However, Company Y’s  about  page mentions its want to make the product inexpensive and affordable to everyone. 

If the visitor wants a higher-quality product, they will definitely want to know more about Company X’s products. But,if the cost is the issue, they may probably be more inclined to buy from Company Y.


3. The About page can humanize your company

The About page will  help to humanize your work by letting visitors know about yourself and your work team. Put an image of yours to a name and title, and let your gig images and bios let visitors know that they are  dealing with a real human and not a robot. 

Always make sure your About page is following  your existing page design, with your important and consistent brand elements whether it may be your company logo, website colors or fonts. Also, always keep in mind that you use genuine facts and terms in order to demonstrate your credibility.

Note : Always make sure you end your About page with a call to action (CTA)

No matter what strategies you apply in order to make your About page look compelling, if you don't  hook your customer with your website, there is no point in following all those strategies.

If you have properly introduced your business on your About page, ending that about page with  a CTA(Call to Action) will probably seal the deal. You can ask your website visitors to subscribe to you , or enter their email ids  as part of your  strategy.

Here are some of the examples  of strong About page CTAs to help you understand better :

“Please Check out our [product name]”

“Start your free trial for one month”

“Schedule an appointment with our team”



Your About page is not  just a basic website design requirement. A good, meaningful,  About page can help generate revenue, boost your website traffic, and also keep your business in the best possible light, which can be very helpful for small businesses without an established brand value.


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