The future of URL design and QR code usage: Emerging trends and technologies to watch

Urlkut Published on May 25, 2023

The future of URL design and QR code usage: Emerging trends and technologies to watch


Since the pandemic, there has been a huge increase in downloads of QR code downloads since the pandemic hit the world. The use of the internet has increased immensely world wide over the past few decades.

Most of the cell phone manufacturers have added in-built QR code scanning features to their camera applications, ruling out the need for users to download and install third-party applications in order to scan QR codes. 

Using cutting-edge technologies to reach and engage their target audiences is something that various industries, companies, and people are keen to do. What other tool, then, can assist them accomplish their objectives than QR codes? In any industry, QR codes perform excellently for a variety of use cases, from text and images to sharing website URLs and storing a lot of data; they're able to do it all flawlessly.

Why are QR codes Becoming More and More Popular?

In fact, there has been a huge rise in the demand for Quick Response codes in recent years. Let's now look at some of the primary causes of this remarkable surge.


The initial and ongoing expenses for using QR codes are both reasonable. Moreover, you may generate and maintain your QR codes without taking extensive training. And what else? Users only need a smartphone with a built-in QR code scanner; they are not required to purchase specialized handheld scanners. It is not necessary to invest an enormous amount of money in expensive settings.

Ability to Customize as Needed

Since creators may put their businesses' logos and colors into QR codes, they can be customized. For example, the brand logo appears in the center of a blue-colored Facebook QR code. Digital marketers use branded Quick Response codes as a result, which allows them to increase brand recognition and draw in their target audiences.

Being able to track scans

The QR code tracking feature is used by digital marketers. They make advantage of this functionality to keep tabs on all scanning activities, providing them with important information about the time and date, locations, operating systems, and scanners that scanned their QR codes.

Marketers may even track the exact GPS locations of QR code scans thanks to dynamic codes. You may assess the results of your marketing effort and identify methods to improve your strategies by using this important data.

Easily Accessible

As I already mentioned, a massive increase in internet usage around the world is what has sparked the widespread use of Quick Response codes. Additionally, a lot of modern smartphones and tablets are provided with built-in QR code scanners, making it simple for users to scan and retrieve the data.

Users will receive notifications and the QR codes will be read and translated in a matter of seconds. It is that simple. If your smartphone doesn't have a built- in feature, a wide variety of reliable third-party apps are readily available. You should use caution, though, as some of them have malware hiding behind them.


Future of QR Codes: The Most Exciting Applications

As more industries adopt QR codes, their uses are increasing. Here are the Quick Response codes' most promising future prospects.

Building Interactive Experience

In the modern world, nothing engages users better than an interactive experience. It's simple to design an engaging experience for your target audience thanks to QR codes' ability to link the digital and real worlds. 


Making Touchless Operations More Easy

Touchless operations are now commonplace because of the social distancing caused by the pandemic. In order to read restaurant menus or make touchless payments, you should expect to find QR codes everywhere.

 And if you are into digital marketing, you will probably find QR codes very much helpful when it comes to driving website traffic.



Taking into consideration all the advantages that QR codes offer, their use and popularity will only increase significantly over the next several years. To fulfill the ever-changing expectations, wants, and requirements of customers, many businesses will begin integrating QR code technology into their everyday operations.

And if you are now ready to get started with QR codes, always make sure to find a good and reliable QR code generator.


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