10 Proven Video Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Views In 2023

Urlkut Published on February 28, 2023

Are you looking to take your video marketing to the next level? Look no further!

Adopting the 10 best practices for video marketing in 2023 can help you make more impactful videos that will drive more engagement, reach a larger audience, and ultimately increase profits.

Video marketing has become an important part of any business, and with these 10 best practices in scripting, storyboarding, SEO optimization and platform selection you will have the insight & tools to build an effective strategy.

With the help of these great tips, you can ensure that your video will have an outstanding effect and reach its desired viewership.

So, let’s get started!

Firstly let's take a look at what makes a successful video advertisement.


What Makes a Successful Video Advertisement

Creating a successful video advertisement can be a tricky feat, but it’s certainly not impossible. For starters, the best video advertisements are those that are engaging.

For a successful ad, it's essential to have an engaging start to captivate viewers right away. Furthermore, having a clear call-to-action makes it easier for people to be interested in the ad and take the desired action.

This could be anything from visiting your website to signing up for a service. Additionally, make sure your video advertisement is relevant.

For example, if you’re an organic food company, your ad should focus on the benefits of organic produce. Finally, don’t forget the visuals.

The right visuals will make your ad stand out, so make sure you use clear and engaging visuals that are relevant to your message.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful video advertisement that will help you reach your target audience.

The Ultimate 10 Best Practices for Video Marketing (2023)

Here are the ultimate 10 tips and best practices for video marketing that may be helpful to you to create professional videos:

1. Determine your goals and target audience

Prior to producing a video, it is essential to identify the objectives & target audience of the video. This will help you design a more effective message and reach your desired outcome.

This will help guide the content and messaging of your video.


2. Create a compelling story

Videos should have an interesting narrative that effectively captures the viewer's attention and keeps them invested in the story. Creating videos with powerful storytelling is sure to make an impact on your audience.

This could be a personal story, a case study, or a demonstration of your product or service.


3. Use visually appealing graphics and images

Visuals are integral to any video, so using high-quality graphics and images should be a priority. Not only will this enhance the message you're trying to convey, but it will also help draw in your viewers' attention.

Even animated videos work great.


4. Keep it short and sweet

Viewers have short attention spans, so it's important to keep your videos concise and to the point.

Aim for videos that are under 2 minutes if possible.


5. Optimize for mobile

As more and more people turn to their smartphones for video content, it is important to ensure that the videos you create are optimized for this type of viewing. This means making sure they can be easily watched and enjoyed on mobile devices.

This includes using vertical video and ensuring that the text and graphics are easily readable on a small screen.


6. Promote your videos

After producing your video, be sure to spread the word by promoting it via all of your social media outlets, website, and email campaigns. This way you can maximize its potential reach.


7. Analyze and optimize

Use video analytics tools to track the performance of your videos and identify areas for improvement.

To ensure your video content yields the best results, it is essential to experiment with a range of approaches. This includes different types of videos, optimizing titles & descriptions, executing effective SEO strategies and exploring different advertising plans.


8. Make sure your videos are shareable

Video marketing is a powerful tool and its potential for reach is even greater since viewers can easily share the content with their own networks. This amplifies your promotional reach allowing you to tap into new audiences.

Make sure to include social share buttons on your video player and encourage viewers to share your content with a hashtag or call to action. This way, you'll be able to increase the reach of your video and gain more viewers.


9. Use closed captions

Closed captions are subtitles that can be turned on or off by the viewer.

AI transcription has been a godsend for people with hearing problems, but they can also be helpful to viewers in noisy settings or those who speak a different language.

It allows them to understand the contents of your videos better and even share it with others despite their language barrier.Closed captions can also help improve the searchability of your videos.


10. Collaborate with other brands and influencers

By collaborating with other businesses and influential figures, you can extend your reach to a much broader audience and gain entry into new markets.

Consider collaborating on a video project or hosting a joint webinar or live event. Just be sure to choose partners that align with your brand values and target audience.


Why Video Marketing is Important on Social Media

The world of social media is constantly changing and evolving.

To stay ahead of the competition, businesses must keep up with the latest trends in the industry. One of the biggest trends is video marketing.

Videos are a great way to engage customers and promote your business on social media.

AI writing assistants can be immensely useful when you want to introduce new products/services, tell your brand story or celebrate customer successes. They are a great way to engage your audience and create interesting content which is original and tailored to your needs.

Videos also have the potential to go viral, which can be a great way to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Videos are excellent for increasing customer engagement and have more chances of being shared than other forms of content. This makes them a great tool for businesses to leverage.

Finally, videos can help you build trust with potential customers by demonstrating your knowledge and expertise.

All of these factors make video marketing an essential part of any social media strategy.

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to be leveraging video marketing on social platforms! Utilizing this medium is essential in today's fast-moving digital environment.


Video Marketing Software Platforms

There are many platforms that you can use for your social media marketing campaigns, including:

1. YouTube Video Marketing

YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform in the world, with over 2 billion logged-in users each month.

YouTube is a fantastic platform for posting any type of video, from product reviews, to instructional videos and customer anecdotes. It's a great way to promote your business and build customer trust.

YouTube is a massive platform and is the world's second-largest search engine behind Google.


2. Facebook Video Marketing

Facebook is a social media platform with over 2.7 billion monthly active users and many video viewers.

It allows you to upload and share videos on your business page and in ads.

Facebook makes it easy for you to share live videos with your followers through Facebook Live. This feature makes it easier than ever before to connect with and engage your audience in real time.


3. Instagram Video Maketing

Instagram is a visual social media platform with over 1 billion monthly active users.

Videos are an excellent way to promote products or share interesting content and the platform is perfect for creating quick, visually appealing videos.


4. LinkedIn Video Marketing

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform with over 740 million users.

This platform is perfect for sharing educational & insightful videos, such as industry insights or thought leadership content. It's a great way to keep up with the latest trends and provide engaging content to your audiences.


5. TikTok Video Marketing

TikTok is a short-form video platform with over 2 billion downloads worldwide.

Younger generations are particularly partial to it and find it a great way to share original & entertaining content.


6. Your own website to market your videos

Your website is a great platform for hosting your videos and embedding them in blog posts and other pages.

This can help drive traffic to your site and improve your search engine rankings.

Apart from the above options, there are multiple other ways to distribute videos - email campaigns, video hosting services like Vimeo and Wistia, as well as video ad outlets for social media such as Google Ads and YouTube Ads.


Video Marketing Tools and Software

Here are some of the best video marketing tools and best video marketing software that we recommend, and that video marketers love to use, to assist you with your video marketing efforts.

1. Animoto

If you're looking for an easy to use video editing program, then this one is a great choice.It has pre-made templates and access to stock media so you can make movies that look like they were made by a professional.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

This is a professional video editing software that is widely used by video professionals.

It offers a wide range of advanced features, such as Multicam editing and audio mixing.

3. Canva

This useful tool allows you to quickly and easily build impressive visuals, like videos. It features plenty of templates and design elements, so you can make your content look professional.

4. Vimeo

This is a popular video hosting platform that offers a range of features for businesses, including the ability to host and share videos, as well as tools for managing and analyzing the performance of your videos.

5. Vidyard

This video marketing platform possesses a variety of applications that allow you to create, upload, and share videos, along with monitoring and measuring their performance.

6. Wistia

This is another video hosting and marketing platform that offers a range of tools for creating and sharing videos, as well as for analyzing performance.

7. Hootsuite

This is a social media management platform that offers a range of tools for scheduling and publishing video content, as well as for analyzing performance


Video Marketing FAQs

Here are some common questions that people have when it comes to video marketing:


1. What are the best types of videos to create?

To help with creating engaging content, there are multiple types of videos that you can produce. These range from explainer videos to product demonstrations, customer testimonials and even live & educational videos.

Animated videos work great too!

The best type of video for your business will depend on your goals and target audience.


2. How do I get started with video marketing?

To get started with video marketing, first determine your goals and target audience.

Then, create a plan for the types of videos you want to create and how you will promote them.

Next, choose a video production tool or service and start creating and editing your videos.

Finally, share your videos on your website and social media channels to get as much exposure as possible.


3. How do I measure the success of my videos?

Quantifying the success of videos is essential for understanding their impact, and there are several metrics that can be used to measure this. These include views, watch time, engagement (likes, comments & shares) as well as conversions.

You can use video analytics tools to track these metrics and identify areas for improvement.


4. How do I optimize my videos for search engines?

To optimize your videos for search engines, be sure to use relevant keywords in the titles, descriptions, and tags of your videos.

You should also include a transcript of the audio in your video to make it more searchable.

To maximize the visibility of your videos and get more people to visit your website, it's important to advertise them on social media & other channels. Doing this can help you increase traffic and reach a wider audience.


5. How much does it cost to create and promote videos?

Video creation and promotion is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; the cost can vary depending on various factors such as complexity of the video, desired production value, and marketing approach.

Basic explainer videos tend to be relatively inexpensive, starting from a few hundred dollars. If you're looking for something more complex and high-end, however, the cost can increase substantially and could cost even thousands of dollars or more.

Similarly, the cost of promoting your videos will depend on the tactics you use, such as social media advertising or influencer marketing.



Video marketing is a great way to engage customers and potential clients.

It can be used to introduce new products, show off your expertise, or highlight customer success.

In addition to producing videos to share on social media, you can also create videos for your website, blog, and email marketing campaigns.

Video is a great way to engage customers, too. It can be used to introduce new products, show off your expertise, or highlight customer success.

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